Alignment Southwest Charlotte is a “Cradle to Career” community-wide initiative in the Steele Creek region of Charlotte.   It is a collaboration of businesses, the faith community, and non-profits to support students and schools.  The program supports Olympic High School, Kennedy and Southwest Middle Schools and the six elementary schools (Berewick, Lake Wylie, Palisades Park, River Gate, Steele Creek, and Winget Park).

The program is immersed in “next generational learning” for talent development.    It provides support for during- school, after-school, and summer technology programs which are designed to spark curiosity in K-12 CMS students and provide them a pathway to: 1) explore STEM career pathways; 2) interact with professionals in industry and, 3) purposefully begin building a set of technology skills which are valued in the workplace by local employers. This represents a sustainable and ongoing program that has been increasing in outreach and impact over the past 4 years

The Alignment Southwest Charlotte “Cradle to Career” Movement has created a common community goal amongst local stakeholders (K-12 schools, employers, nonprofits, colleges, faith community, and government agencies) to develop youth who are both “Career AND College Ready” with technical talent that is desperately needed by the local economy.  By doing so, more youth will reach their human and economic potential as employers are also able to source their talent needs locally.

The program was initiated by the Arrowood Business Association in 2013.  The ABA continues its strong support.

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